What is the name of the main character in the book the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Is a novel about a group of characters (Arthur Dent, Ford Perfect, Zaphod BeebLerox, and Trillian.) going through space having weird and wacky adventures. the author of this book is Douglas Adams. throughout the book, there are short little segments from the "hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" that explain funny things that we didn't know, which is a funny little part of the book that comes every couple chapters. (spoiler alert!!) the "meaning of life" scene in the book was rather dissapointing, though. what does the number 42 have to do with the meaning of life? what does it mean? please comment if you know or think you know what it means.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Connection to book through song

 The link below is a song on youtube called still alive, by Lisa Miskovsky. This song has a connection to the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, because in the book it talks about how Earth gets destroyed. When Earth gets destroyed two Hithhikers named Arthur and Ford hitchhike off the planet. They are then the only survivors of Earth(even thought Ford is an alien). The two of them are still alive, while others aren't. In the song still alive it talks about the feelings that go through your mind while being the last people who are still alive.


Hitchhikers guidee to the galaxy setting

In the book the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy by Douglas Adams the setting of the story takes place on the planet Earth. The main character Arhtur Dent lives in a house looking over the West country farmland. His house is in a small village/town. But then aliens destroy the Earth and everyone on it, except of course the main character Arthur, and his best friend Ford. They escape the Earth by hitchhiking a ride on the Vogon ship that blew up the Earth. The setting then changes into being on a Vogon ship traveling across the galaxy.

#1: Cool Thing

A cool part in the book is at page 180. I like it because it is kind of funny. Loonquawl and Phouchg are waiting for the computer called Deep Thought to tell them what the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything. The computer keeps on asking them are you ready for the answer and telling them that they are not going to like it but they just keep on asking for it. After all the tension and waiting it finally tells them the answer is Forty-Two. It is cool that you think that this computer is going to tell you the real answer but it just says 42.

Hitchhicker Setting

The hitchhicker's guide to the galaxy's setting is Space. The guide to the galaxy is an electronic book that can tell a person basically everything they need to survive in space. Arthur Dent, Ford Perfect, Zaphod Beeblerox and Trillian are in search of a mythical planet named Margathea that supposedly created Earth and other planets. Also Earth has exploded so they have nowhere to go.

Photo haiku

This picture of Marvin looks exactly like the description given in the book. Marvin is a unfathomably intelligent robot who is severely depressed because he has nothing in life that challenges him intellectually. He eventually ends up becoming so bored and depressed that he explains his life story to a nearby spaceship and that ship then commits suicide.

I believe that this picture of Venus looks a lot like the Mythical Margathea that is described in “The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy”. Its dark and empty surface really captures the descriptive image the author described. I got this picture from Pics4learning.com.

This picture describes many key symbols and items that are contained in the book. Such as 42 is the all knowing master computer meaning to life which can be interpreted in many ways. It also shows the motto of The Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy which is don’t panic and it will answer all of your questions.

Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy settings

Period 2

"The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" was written by Douglas Adams. "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" is set in all most entirely in space while the band of four Zaphod Beeblerox, Arthur dent, Ford Perfect and Trillian traverse the universe in search of Margathea. A mythical planet that supposedly millions of years ago manufactured planets and the Earth. The guide to the galaxy is a digital book with over a million pages and gives any hitchhiker all the information they may need to survive in space

Symbols: Symbols become very important during this story. The main symbol is the guide to the galaxy book that Ford owns. It represents knowledge and understanding to all people who read it. To Arthur, it is his dictionary for everything he needs to learn about the glaxy. This is the symbol that shapes the story and i think it creates a much better novel.

Setting: The setting of this book changes often throughout the story. It starts on Earth at the beginning of the book. After Earth, the characters travel from spaceship to spaceship while traversig through the galaxy. after a while, they end up on a foreign planet that everyone thought was a myth and never existed.