What is the name of the main character in the book the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Alex the crazy cucumber's crazy adventures

Photo haiku
This picture of Marvin looks exactly like the description given in the book. Marvin is a unfathomably intelligent robot who is severely depressed because he has nothing in life that challenges him intellectually. He eventually ends up becoming so bored and depressed that he explains his life story to a nearby spaceship and that ship then commits suicide.

I believe that this picture of Venus looks a lot like the Mythical Margathea that is described in “The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy”. Its dark and empty surface really captures the descriptive image the author described. I got this picture from Pics4learning.com.

This picture describes many key symbols and items that are contained in the book. Such as 42 is the all knowing master computer meaning to life which can be interpreted in many ways. It also shows the motto of The Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy which is don’t panic and it will answer all of your questions.

Posted by Alex the crazy cucumber at 6:54 PM 0 comments
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Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy settings
Period 2

"The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" was written by Douglas Adams. "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" is set in all most entirely in space while the band of four Zaphod Beeblerox, Arthur dent, Ford Perfect and Trillian traverse the universe in search of Margathea. A mythical planet that supposedly millions of years ago manufactured planets and the Earth. The guide to the galaxy is a digital book with over a million pages and gives any hitchhiker all the information they may need to survive in space

Posted by Alex the crazy cucumber at 6:20 PM 0 comments

Hitchhiker poem
space, travel
survival, danger, rats
The Heart of Gold
the guide with wistful knowledge
the computer with the great answer
And the explorers who will find it

5 paragraph essay, character change of Arthur Dent.

"The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" is a dramatic trilogy that's based in science fiction and space, written by Douglas Adams. Arthur Dent is the main character and early on, has to deal with the Earth exploding. He has to adopt the advanced space faring attitude from his primitive Earthling mind set. During the course of the
"The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" Arthur Dent has to go through some character changes from simple minded to perplexed and finally openly willing to adventure.

 "The only person for whom the house was in any way special was Arthur Dent, and that was only because it happened to be the one he lived in." this quote is on page 5 and explain just how simple his living conditions where. "I asked him if he'd come to wash the windows, and he said no he'd come to destroy my house" This quote is on page 9 and shows that Arthur has to deal with regular home owner eviction just like anybody else. These simple pleasures and issues abruptly ended when the Earth exploded.

 After the Earth exploded, Arthur Dent and Ford Perfect hitchhiked off the planet using an invading ship. "Ford" insisted Arthur "I don't know if this sounds like a silly question, but what am i doing here?" this quote is on page 55 and shows that Arthur doesn't have a clue why he is in hyper space on a Vogon cruiser and not dead with the rest of Earths citizens."At that moment the bottom fell out of Arthur's mind." Arthur had just, for the first time jumped to hyper space on page 59. He was so confused by the experience that he curled up into a fetal ball and passed out after wards.

"Arthur looked at Trillian inquiringly, She motioned him to come on in but keep quiet." This quote is on page 116 and is telling that Ford Perfect and Zaphod Beeblerox are fighting about the rationality of looking for a so called, mythical planet. To this point Arthur Dent had escaped the destruction of Earth and the following grieving, was blown out a vogon trash shoot into space and barely saved by a ship called The Heart Of Gold.
Proving that Arthujr had to be adventrous and quick on his feet to survive.

This book shows character change in Arthur Dent, in that he went from a simple minded earthling, to a perplexed hitchhiking intruder and finally to a confident space traveler. I give this book a 5 out of 5 and recommend it to any science fiction fanatic. This book does leave you at a cliff hanger, so you need to read the other two books to feel satisfied and not so frustrated