What is the name of the main character in the book the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Cody's fantastic world of the Fons

 Book Review

I liked the book the Hithhikers guide to the galaxy by  Douglas Adams,  because  I felt it had some humorous  parts.  One funny part that might have been my favorite  part was  when arthur  was zapped from the Earth to an alien space shuttle right before the Earth blew up, and his friend Ford gave him a book that said don't panic. I just thought it was funny, because it was kind of random. I also liked the book because it was original. It was a new idea no other book had done and they wrote about it. Those are some reasons why I liked the book the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.


 Hithhiker Poem


Ordinary human

Goes on adventure

Escapes the planet Earth

Travels the galaxy with Ford

Meets many different kinds of aliens

Dicovers the answer to the great question


Connection to book through song

 The link below is a song on youtube called still alive, by Lisa Miskovsky. This song has a connection to the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, because in the book it talks about how Earth gets destroyed. When Earth gets destroyed two Hithhikers named Arthur and Ford hitchhike off the planet. They are then the only survivors of Earth(even thought Ford is an alien). The two of them are still alive, while others aren't. In the song still alive it talks about the feelings that go through your mind while being the last people who are still alive.

Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy setting

In the book the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy by Douglas Adams the setting of the story takes place on the planet Earth. The main character Arhtur Dent lives in a house looking over the West country farmland. His house is in a small village/town. But then aliens destroy the Earth and everyone on it, except of course the main character Arthur, and his best friend Ford. They escape the Earth by hitchhiking a ride on the Vogon ship that blew up the Earth. The setting then changes into being on a Vogon ship traveling across the galaxy.


  1. They go to the planet Magrathea, in order to find its origin and answer the great big question.
