What is the name of the main character in the book the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

jakes page of criticism and dislike for this book

   Highly Adventurous
Full of Surprises
Intergalactic space traveling alien
In Some Ways Like E.T.
Author traveling the galaxy to write
Never gives up on trusting his friends

Symbols: Symbols become very important during this story. The main symbol is the guide to the galaxy book that Ford owns. It represents knowledge and understanding to all people who read it. To Arthur, it is his dictionary for everything he needs to learn about the glaxy. This is the symbol that shapes the story and i think it creates a much better novel.


Setting: The setting of this book changes often throughout the story. It starts on Earth at the beginning of the book. After Earth, the characters travel from spaceship to spaceship while traversing through the galaxy. After a while, they end up on a foreign planet that everyone thought was a myth and never existed.


   After reading this book i decided to never read anything like it again. When I was halfway through the book, I was still a bit confused about the plot and many things that happen in it are very random and not necessary. My confusion lasted through the entire book and after i was done i was still confused about many things. This is why I rate this book a three out of ten stars.

   One of many things that brought the book down to a three was the twisted plot. It is mainly about Arthur and Ford traveling the galaxy going on many adventures together. But throughout the story they had many random plot twisting events happen. One of those events was when they were launched into space and were going to choke to death but they somehow randomly board a spaceship.

   I also thought that the character development was not very good. Through the story, not much is known about Ford and is never revealed. The only development he wen through was telling which planet he was from in the galaxy. Arthur's character is al;so not developed much. The only background given is that his house is being torn down to build a road.

   Those are some of the reasons I did not like this book. The plot was very twisted and hard to follow, and the character development was not very good. That is why I rated this book a three of ten and would not recommend it to anyone unless they want to know that 42 is the answer to life because a stupid computer in this book says it is.